系统吧 专业的电脑操作系统,支持重装各种原版系统xp/win7/win8/win10 这个系统怎么样?试试系统吧系统,体验办公系统畅快愉悦感。 各种电脑系统安装过程一样,神一般的畅快!
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作者:李爱驰 分类:电脑技术 发布时间:2017-05-30 01:24:36

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should b...

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# space.


# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be insert ed on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a # symbol.


# For example:


# rhino.acme.com # source server

# x.acme.com # x client host localhost


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