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win10开机提示“A conf iguration change was requested”如何处理

作者:张琪 分类:win10 发布时间:2022-12-21 10:36:00

win10系统的功能非常强大,不过用户使用过程中难免也会遇到一些问题。比如,一位用户反馈自己在重装win10操作系统开机的时候,电脑弹出了蓝色英文提示框“A conf iguration change was requested to clear this computer's IPM(Trusted patform module)WARNING: Clearing erases information onthe IPM.You will lose all created keys and access to date encrypted by these keys.Pless YES to clear the IPMpress NO to reject this change request and continue”是怎么回事呢? 具体如下: 出现该提示是由于电脑中自带的加密芯片引起的...

win10系统的功能非常强大,不过用户使用过程中难免也会遇到一些问题。比如,一位用户反馈自己在重装win10操作系统开机的时候,电脑弹出了蓝色英文提示框“A conf iguration change was requested to clear this computer's IPM(Trusted patform module)WARNING: Clearing erases information onthe IPM.You will lose all created keys and access to date encrypted by these keys.Pless YES to clear the IPMpress NO to reject this change request and continue”是怎么回事呢?

win10开机提示“A conf iguration change was requested”如何处理win10开机提示“A conf iguration change was requested”问题的处理方法就介绍到这里了。更多关于win10系统的软件问题,请关注系统吧:http://www.caeworld.cn/

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